Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tomorrow's plan.

I wanted to post a quick blog about tomorrow in case I am unable to get online for a couple of days.

Yesturday, the doctor told me to go in anytime tomorrow to have Brandon monitored for a little while, to have my cervix checked to see if I've made any progress, and to have my membranes stripped again. After getting home, I started thinking that there really is no point in me going in tomorrow afternoon/evening, just to be sent home and to go back at 6am Tuesday morning. So, I called labor and delivery and asked them if there would be anyway that they could just get things moving tomorrow evening instead of having me make two trips there within such a short amount of time. I told them that I didn't know how much difference a few hours made. The lady on the phone was very nice and checked the calendar and informed me that there was very little going on Monday, and that they may decide to keep me just because they are so empty. So, I'm hoping to go in and just have the induction started tomorrow instead of Tuesday. There is no guarantee of that happening of course, but I can hope right?

So, hopefully, I have made some progress on my own and they decide to just keep me tomorrow and get things rolling. I hope that the next time I post I will either have already had Brandon, or will be in the process of induction. Wish me luck!!!!