Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our Family is Growing!


We are happy to announce that we are now expecting baby number 2 sometime in early December 2010!!! While it was ~kind~ of unexpected, we are thrilled!

Originally, we were going to use natural family planning to avoid pregnancy until July/August. This would allow my body to be rid of any hormones in birth control pills, and we were going to start actively trying to conceive in July or August before Brian deploys to Iraq again. After discussing some options and re-evaluating, we were going to put off having a baby until Brian got home from his deployment in August 2011. I saw my OB/GYN and got a prescription for more birth control and was told to wait until my next cycle started before beginning it. Well, my next cycle ~should~ have shown up over the past couple of days. There has been absolutely no sign of the arrival of my cycle, and being the control freak, planning person that I am, I had to take a test.

Naturally, my obsession got the best of me at midnight last night. So, like the awesome husband he is, Brian drove to Walmart at midnight to get me a box of pregnancy tests. I requested the box of 3 because, yes....I am OCD like that. So, hubby comes home with said pregnancy tests and I hurry to take one right away.

TWO LINES!!! Holy crap!!! Nervous laughter set in at this point, and I called for Brian to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Nope....he saw them both. Clear as day really.

An hour later (so if you are keeping track, that would be roughly 1:30ish) I take another. Still 2 lines. Eeeek!!!

My thoughts and my heart were racing! I am a planner. How could I let an "unplanned" pregnancy happen? I feel like a huge hypocrite as I have always said I would always plan my babies. While technically, we knew what we were doing at the time and knew what the consequences would be, it wasn't our most organized plan. Ideally, Brian would be home for the entire pregancny and the whole first year. That is not going to be the case. He leaves July/August time frame. So, he will miss the birth and the first 7-8 months of the baby's life. It's sad. I hate knowing that he is going to miss everything again. It sucks. Stupid wars.

So, despite some of the unfortunate circumstances, we are thrilled to be welcoming another little miracle to our family! I'd almost say we are more excited now that we know the beauty and wonder a baby brings. We have been SO blessed with Brandon and knowing that we are going to see him in a whole different dynamic is exciting. He is going to make an excellent big brother! Now.....we REALLY need to get him potty trained! Hahaha


Whitney Bean said...

Congratulations! Maybe your baby and my daughter will have the same birthday! She was born 12/23/09