Thursday, January 31, 2008

Brandon's Birth Story

Ok, I have a few minutes while Brandon is sleeping, so I'm going to try to share Brandon's birth story.

On Tuesday I went in at 6am for my originally scheduled induction. They started out with a full oral dose of cydotec. After a few hours, I still hadn't made any progress. I was still only dialated 3cm, 50% effaced and Brandon was still sitting high up. Then they started me on pitocin again. After a few hours, I still hadn't progressed any. Around 4:15am on Wednesday they decided to break my water. They had to help guide his head down while breaking my water so he didn't drop too quickly and compress the cord. After the broke my water I started making steady progress. I was dialating about a centimeter an hour. I got the epidural when I was around 5cms dialated. I was expecting more pain relief, but no such luck. When the contractions really started picking up I could feel everything. In my opinion, either the epidural was put in wrong, or I just don't respond to the medicine. Basically, it sucked. They tried adding a number of boosters and other medications to the epidural, but none of them had any lasting effects. Around 7am my progression had stalled at 9cm with just a small lip of cervix. Brandon was sitting right where he needed to be, but I just couldn't get past the final little bit. By 8am I was screaming because I was in so much pain. They had called the anesthesiologist so many times for me, and there was really nothing much more they could do for me. I was SO tired and in so much pain that I was begging for a c-section just to get some relief. The nurse came in and wanted to do a few practice pushes. It still didn't help get me over the hump, but I needed to get a feel for pushing anyway. I started pushing around 8:30am and pushed with every contraction for 3 hours. After pushing for so long, the doctor gave us the option to use either the vacuum or forceps. I wan't really comfortable with either, but I felt more comfortable with the vacuum. Hospital policy is that if they try it three times and it doesn't work, then they go to c-section. I gave it my all those last three times, but he just wasn't coming out. So, our only option was to go into c-section. They prepped the room and Brian and I got ready. We went in and everything there after is a bit of a blur. Brian had to get dressed in scrubs, I was wheeled into the operating room. There were tons of people in there to assist, and I was REALLY nervous. Brian came in and sat next to me and I instantly felt better. They did the test pinches and I could feel them (more proof that the epidural didn't take) so they had to give me more meds. I could actually feel the incision, but it was more of a sharp sensation and because of all of the pain meds I was on it didn't hurt too bad. At 12:22pm Brandon entered the world and completely stole mine and Brian's heart. Brian got to see him first and got to bring him over to me. As soon as I heard him cry I started crying. Brandon's apgars were 8 of 9, and he was taken by Brian to the Transition room to be weighed and all that fun stuff. I was stitched up and then taken to post-op to be watched for about an hour. Throughout the entire labor, the epidural was making me shake uncontrollably. I also spent the entire labor vomitting, so I had to drink water so I would always have something in my stomach. It was definately not pleasant, and after the c-section, I was still shaking uncontrollably and vomitting. I was given more pain medication to help me stop shaking and vomitting. The medications were successful in getting me to stop vomitting, but I was still shaking like crazy. Eventually, they took me to the mother-baby unit where I got to meet up with Brian and Brandon. As soon as I got to hold him, I instantly stopped shaking and calmed down.

Brian and I are adjusting to parenthood as best as we can. It is really hard after a c-section because it is hard to move. Brian has been excellent and has been changing every diaper and bringing him to me for his feedings. He has been really fussy today, but I think we figured out the problem and now he is sleeping like a rock, until the next feeding in three hours.

I'm going to try to get some sleep while he is sleeping. I hope to post some more pictures and updates soon.