Friday, January 11, 2008

39 weeks!

I just got back from my 39 week Dr. appointment. It was relatively uneventful. I am still 1cm dialated, 50% effaced, and Brandon is still at a -2 station, so pretty high up. Basically, I've made no progress in the last week. The doctor stripped my membranes, but last time that was ineffective, so I'm not getting my hopes up that it will do much this time around. Boo. That sucks. There isn't really anything new to report except I have scheduled my non-stress test and induction in case he isn't here by next Saturday. At my non-stress test, they will monitor Brandon and make sure that he is doing ok in utero and that the fluid levels are ok for him. That is scheduled for January 25th. If Brandon STILL hasn't decided that he is ready to meet the world, I will go in on the 29th at 6am for induction. We are really hoping that he decides to come before then because we have to meet my family at the airport on February 1st, and I will not be released from the hospital until the 31st, so that doesn't give us any time at home with Brandon before family comes to visit for the next 3 weeks. My 40 week appointment is Thursday January 17th. I'm kind of hoping that I don't make it that far. That's all for now!!! I will update again after my 40 week appointment, if I make it until then. (Hopefully I won't)